"English Language Challenges"

To begin with, having had English online, at least for me, made everything less profitable, I mean assistance or the same practice of writing and speech are hindered or null, perhaps because of connection problems or fear, so, in conclusion, English in college has not been a good experience for me.

Now, with respect to blogging happens many times something similar, I think it would be more helpful if it could be done in face-to-face classes, maybe write in the class and be corrected in the class, in such a way that one learns and does not fall into a translator who may often be wrong.

Finally, and speaking of what I have to improve in English, I must say that basically EVERYTHING, except in understanding and pronunciation in the rest I am quite bad, I try to talk it with my cousin or in daily life in an attempt to practice, but at some point or another I end up failing because many times I don’t know which connectors to use or the forms of time to use, but still I try to speak in an attempt to practice and improve, plus I watch series in English and with subtitles in English to be able to insert into me, in my mind the correct use of words and grammar.


  1. I also think that it would be a lot better to take this course in face-to-face mode.

  2. I think I must to improve everything on English too, but I feel if I give a try then with time and practice I will get adapting me.

  3. You are correct that it would be much better to do it in person since the corrections would be more direct


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