

The exact date I was the truth I do not remember, it is more I have gone to see them several times and they have all been the best, the first and second time I think they were in 2017 at the grape harvest party and at another festival, while, the third and last was in 2018 in Pucón in "Juntémonos" a party made by the beer "Cristal", in these three places I saw the group "Moral Distraída", a Chilean group made up of actors, who in fact the group was formed as a result of a play they performed in 2010, his style is mainly a fusion of urban and tropical music.
I liked these shows so much mainly because in all I went with my friends, where we sang and danced full of energy, of satisfaction, and enjoying like never before, because the versions of their live songs are INCREDIBLE.
I remember that in the middle room was the first thing I heard in the morning, in fact, that’s how I met them, by my best friends putting "Hacerlo de día" to fill up with energy and dance. However, it wasn’t until one of my classmates made me pay attention to their songs and made me notice the reference to other songs they have in theirs, such as the one I mentioned which refers to several Disney songs.


  1. I also went to one of their concerts! And I really love some of their songs :)

  2. I searched about grape harvest party and it sounds very cool, we could go together and taste all the wines jeje

  3. That´s incredible, I enjoy a lot they songs, my favorite is Recreo

  4. Wow, i really like Moral Distraída, the rhythm of their songs is the maximum


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