So many things to change

 Studying biochemistry at the university of Chile was for me a dream, filled with illusion and emotion to do it. However, when I arrived and saw everything that was going on and how it all worked and was, I would take nothing but disappointments. For starters, my "Biochemistry" career has as a curriculum (in broad strokes), biology and chemistry, which have as suppose several subdivisions, but not all are useful for my career, and the logical thing is that the topics useful to me are those that I see, but in my faculty they did something called a common plan, which is unheard of because careers, although based on chemistry, require different "subdivisions".

Now, with regard to infrastructure and organization, I must say that it is the same or worse, I mean the place where classes are done are really horrible, nefarious I would say, I mean, space is reduced many times there are no chairs with tables, or even not all fit within the halls, but that’s not all, the corridors have no roofs, and in the whole faculty there are not many places in which to sit or take refuge in cold and rainy days, for the few that there are filled, horrible right?

Finally, I feel that there are many things to improve with respect to academics, I will not delve much into this subject, but once a teacher went to a congress and all the end of semester your section was with students doing classes and no teacher, isn’t that outrageous?.


  1. I was also very excited when I entered university and then also a little disappointed, I understand what you mean


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